Analyzing people will give you a distinct advantage in personal, social, and professional situations. Although most of us analyze each other on a subconscious level, there aren't many who take control of this ability and perfect it, so doing so will give you benefits that others are missing out on. Here is what this book will teach you:
The 4 Different Personality Types: Everyone is different, but you can tell a lot about someone just from observing what type of personality category they fit into. There are 4...
How to Analyze People Series Book #1
Analyzing people will give you a distinct advantage in personal, social, and professional situ...
Have you ever wondered why there are some people you take an instant dislike to and others to whom you gravitate? Obviously, there's something else happening besides their verbal communications that are attracting or repelling you, right? You might just discover what that is by reading our book. Within the pages of this book, you'll learn about the four main personality types and even determine what personality type fits you. You'll also learn how to adjust and monitor your behaviors, gestures, and body language to enhance your...
How to Analyze People Series Book #2
Have you ever wondered why there are some people you take an instant dislike to and others to ...